MISLA’s Tech Bootcamps Book Now Discount.

MISLA offers seasonal coding and creative bootcamps covering web design, software engineering, financial literacy, robotics, content creation, social media management, cryptocurrency and more!

Register now for Summer, Spring, Fall, or Winter bootcamps to receive 50% off early-bird discount.

Made In South LA

Since 2014 MISLA- Made In South LA, has provided technology and financial literacy bootcamps on an ongoing basis to both youth and adults alike. Positioning our MISLA participants to be game changers in the tech industry is our overarching intention and we have been able to pair several of our past participants with roles within tech, evidence of the employable curriculum style in which we utilize.

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community powered economic empowerment
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Since its inception, VSEDC has delivered economic resources to communities that often live
in the shadows. Because of systematic barriers that make it more difficult to secure business
support, VSEDC plays an instrumental role in making entrepreneurial dreams a reality.

This Website was created by: A Youth Brand Creative Agency

Made in South LA

@ 2024 Copyright.