Are you ready to drive? Sign-Up Today

Driving lessons are done in automatic transmission cars with dual gas and brake pedals. Our instructors are knowledgeable courteous and friendly.

Depend on us to provide you or your teenager with a driving school that provide expert driving instruction to prepare the driver for a permit or licsence.

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The ShopLove SLASHcard.

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Freeway Easy Does It.

Freeway Easy Traffic and Driving School can help you in a variety of ways, the time is now! BEHIND-THE-WHEEL - Training for students who have a driving permit or license. TRAFFIC SCHOOL- Our traffic school allows you to keep the points off of your record and your insurance rates low. DRIVER'S EDUCATION - The driver education classes are great for teenagers who need a permit from the DMV.

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Since its inception, VSEDC has delivered economic resources to communities that often live
in the shadows. Because of systematic barriers that make it more difficult to secure business
support, VSEDC plays an instrumental role in making entrepreneurial dreams a reality.

This Website was created by: A Youth Brand Creative Agency

Made in South LA

@ 2024 Copyright.